
Remington black ops 2
Remington black ops 2

The Laser Sight is a good asset to increase the consistency of this shotgun up close, but given that aiming down the sights greatly reduces the spread coverage area, more so than the laser, it may be best opting for Quickdraw Handle instead. The Laser Sight is useful at close range as it will give a greater chance at killing from the hip. None of the optical attachments show any tangible advantage over the iron sights, other than an increase in zoom, but as shotguns are only truly potent at close to medium range, any additional zoom is unnecessary and sometimes a hindrance at such ranges.

remington black ops 2

Fast Mags is also a good attachment to mitigate its rather slow reload time, but if the player reloads in between kills, it is not necessary. The Long Barrel is a great attachment, increasing its already good range to exceptional ranges for a shotgun. It also has a rather quick pump-action (slightly faster than the KSG), but it still has a slower rate of fire than most shotguns in the game. It possesses the highest range and damage of any pellet shooting shotgun, getting one-shot kills in close-medium range with ADS. The Remington 870 MCS is the first shotgun to be unlocked at Level 4.

remington black ops 2

In the campaign it is simply referred to as R870 MCS. DeFalco also uses this weapon in the intro cutscene of this mission. The Remington 870 MCS is available for use upon completing " Fallen Angel", though it can only be obtained when customizing the loadout. The Remington 870 MCS, sometimes called R870 MCS, appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

Remington black ops 2